The coed fashion show is catching on. On Monday, luxury streetwear designer John Elliott, who launched his LA-based menswear brand four years ago, jumped into womenswear feet first. About half of his 43-look runway show, which played out in Gallery II of Spring Studios, was dedicated to his new women’s...
Kate Lanphear has officially put her stamp on Marie Claire. On February 20, the publication’s March issue, featuring a Spring Fashion theme, hits newsstands. It’s the first issue produced under the creative direction of Lanphear, who joined the magazine in October.
This shouldn’t come as a surprise. Multiple designers showing at New York Fashion Week this weekend shared the same inspiration: female empowerment.
Dover Street Market opened its first store in London’s Mayfair district in 2004. Now four locations strong and embarking on further expansion, it’s provided successful case studies for a number of retail strategies that are finally catching on; if its history is any indication, offering up unique experiences, ignoring popular...
Since they deciding to enter the leather goods market in 2014, Linjer's Jennifer Chong and Roman Khan have taken an unexpected path: They haven’t thrown their hat into the ring for venture funding, plus — despite much demand for their products (four of their 14 women’s handbags currently have waitlists)...
Lori Riviere recapped a recent day, which included previewing NYFW runway collections, making late-night calls to clients and squeezing in snuggle time with her one-year-old son.
Last summer, Yoox Net-a-Porter relaunched the Yoox app after overhauling the customer experience to make it more personalized, add new features and bridge the desktop e-commerce and mobile commerce experiences. The new version uses machine learning to tailor its product feed to a customer’s past shopping behavior, sorting inventory by...
For consecutive seasons, designers have been indirectly begging for an updated fashion calendar. A resounding message: Shifting the February and September fashion months to June and December will alleviate many festering frustrations.
Stitch Fix CEO Katrina Lake is spearheading the future of personalization in fashion, a point of obsession for brands and retailers that know they can no longer offer up a generic user experience and still win. And while every apparel brand desperately wants to get to know the person buying...